Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Pacific Maritime Industrial Zone (PMIZ) in Madang will be 'no go project' - Kramer

IN November 2018, the Minister Commence & Trade Wera Mori announced O'Neill Government has approved a US$156 million loan to build two wharves at the Pacific Maritime Industrial Zone in Madang and awarding of individual titles to Chinese companies. 

The announcement comes as no surprise. I suspect the Government being broke is looking for any means to resurrect abandoned projects in an excuse to justify more borrowings in the guise to access funds.

As Member of Madang Open, I wish to put the good Minister and his Prime Minister Peter O'Neill on notice that this project won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

The project is not only located in my electorate but an area I was raised and my grand parents buried (Sek Mission Station).

This project has been nothing but a white elephant for the rats in Waigani to squander millions in public funds borrowed from Chinese Exim Bank with nothing to show for it.

Starting next week I plan to conduct community forums with landowners and surrounding communities to formalize a petition in addressing the many issues surrounding this project.

The priority issue will be full disclosure of the project from its concept to-date. I intend to establish where and in whose pockets the K30 million expended to-date ended up.

A further issue of concern will be just how many millions was borrowed from China Exim Bank.

I have absolutely no trust in the Minister following his inaction to my request for his office to investigate Governor of NCD Powes Parkop using K100,000 of rate payers funds to help his Malaysian Indian girlfriend register her fitness company.

A company that was illegally operating without an IPA Certificate and later awarded K3 million; K250,000 month contract by the Governor. Minister instead issued a press statement claiming his office found nothing wrong.

I wish to put the Minister on notice that any contract that is awarded will be investigated by my Office and made public. Should I find one single case involving a conflict of interest to him, his family or his associates or failure to comply with Finance Management Act then he can be certain to be served and summoned to appear in Court.

As far as I am concerned the only way this Project will get off the ground is through a transparent process, taking into consideration the social and environmental impact to the people in Madang and meaningful landowner participation.

Anything less and the Prime Minister and his Minister, including Chinese Contractors can expect the project to sit on the shelf for sometime.

In the coming weeks I intend to start writing about this project so the public can be clear why in my view it has been used as a scheme to misuse and misappropriate millions in public funds to enrich fat cats in Wagaini.

Picture credit to TWAN Minister of Trade & Commerce announcing O'Neil Govenment borrowed $156 million to kick start the PMIZ Project.

Source: Facebook Kramer Report - Madang MP Hon. Bryan Kramer writes the Kramer Report on Facebook in Papua New Guinea.

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