Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Be in it to win it or never to miss it: A seminar on a Tech that transfers Wealth - Port Moresby


Like the saying goes, ‘meetings without chairs are important meetings’ – comparing between formal meetings in an enclosed area with members seated on chairs and discussions being tabled against social meetups with parties standing, walking or drinking in a pub.
 For the purpose of this article, let’s put it this way: “meetings without media are very important.”

Imagine how many global media flocked into Port Moresby when Asia Pacific’s economic agendas were tabled and talked over. But the important meetings never attracted such multitude of mainstream media attention. 

Why because the important meetings are not propagandas. Rather they are meetups to change the course of prevailing trends. Or better still are so fundamental that only the chosen ones can access and witness.

People were told that Jesus will born of woman to save the world from sin but media never turned up when He was born – no big celebration is recorded in this history when he Messiah was born. 
It was a quiet moment when Joseph with few witness the delivery, later gifts were presented by 3 wise men from the East.

The point is, very important things that will change the all world never emerge with a loud thunder. They just happen quietly and the impact is seen and felt aftermath. 

 In the same way, very important meetups don’t attract media or huge crowd. It just happens with very few, mostly chosen ones.

Exclusively presented at Lamana Hotel in Port Moresby, there are two divine opportunities that you be in it to win it or never to miss it. 

For Reservations, contact Rita on 72269873 or email: info@cryptotechventures.co  - Via Garamut News.

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