Friday, February 8, 2019

Blockchain: "The Technology Of Wealth Transfer" training in Port Moresby - apply online

From scripture, we understand that the wealth of the sinner is laid up or stored up for the just. We also know that those riches and wealth will not be transferred willingly to the just by those who have stored them up. 

The question now is how will the just ever have access to the storehouse of those who have gathered and collected wealth by unjust means especially in the light of Proverbs 18: 10&11. There is no doubt that God is rich towards all. There is equally no doubt that God is the God of all-sufficiency (2 Corinthians 9:8). 

Unfortunately, the prevailing biblical ignorance in today's church is one of the negative factors that has held people bound in an inglorious position as far as the actualization of abundant life is concerned (Hosea 4:6).

 If you have waited for years to learn the proven biblical ways on how to tap upon God's financial resources and be free financially, then this training is for you.

The following one day power pack training session will empower and equip participants to discover The Technology of Wealth Transfer.

Register Now:

Date: 8 March 2019
Time: 9am - 6pm
Venue: Lamana Hotel, Waigani, PNG
Facilitator: John David (JD)

Program Itinerary:
Morning session (9am - 12.30pm): Tapping Upon God's Financial Resources
Afternoon session (1.30pm - 5pm): Bitcoin & Blockchain Technologies and Application for Business

Promo Tickets:
Only 50 Tickets available at K280. Promo valid till 23 February 2019. Thereafter, ticket price will increase to K420.

Bonus Tickets:
Those attending this event (8 March 2019) shall be entitled with FREE ticket to attend BeWELL Private Meet Up scheduled on the 9 March 2019 from 2pm - 5pm @ Lamana Hotel, followed by Hi-Tea. BeWELL Meet Up is strictly a by invitation only.

Terms of Participation & Notes:
i. This is a PUBLIC event. Open for ALL.
ii. Fees are inclusive of morning tea break, afternoon tea break and lunch.
iii. Registration is NOT confirmed until payment is received.
iv. Payment can be performed online. For beneficiary details kindly refer to our admin.
v. All paid fees are non refundable, even for non attendance.
vi. To be respectful at all times and abide by the Hotel rules and policy.
vii. To be dressed decently at all time (no thongs allowed)
viii. Please bring along your Bible.
viiii. For group registration please contact the admin.


Register Now:

For query kindly contact the admin:
Tel: 74882944 / 75284124

Remain Well & Be Blessed!

Our Mandate: "Advocating Financial Inclusion, Equalization & Economic Freedom"

The Management
Hosted by: Cryptotech Ventures & Consultancy Ltd
Sponsored by: ASIA Blockchain Solutions Pte. Ltd

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