Tuesday, January 22, 2019

PNG politician digs out a female citizen's intentions over PMIZ project debate on Facebook

Today I came across a post on my Facebook news feed of a link posted by Ms Kessy Sawang entitled "Madang Needs PMIZ To Go Ahead: BK Stop The Politics"

The link included a picture of myself taken from my Facebook page "Kramer Report" with the caption 100,000 followers.

Ms Sawang posted the following message above the link

"Hon. Bryan Kramer, we the people of Madang want development, services and opportunities for our children, not continuous and some unnecessary politics"

The link was of an article she published on her blog in response to my post 3 days earlier that Madang PMIZ Project will be a no go Project.

I posted the article in response to the Minister of Commence & Trade Wera Mori and O'Neill Government announcement of a US$156 million Chinese loan to further fund and develop the PMIZ project in Madang. A project that has gone nowhere for the past 10 years.

I made the following statements in my article:

"This project has been nothing but a white elephant for the rats in Waigani to squander millions in public funds borrowed from Chinese Exim Bank with nothing to show for it."

"Starting next week I plan to conduct community forums with landowners and surrounding communities to formalize a petition in addressing the many issues surrounding this project."

"The priority issue will be full disclosure of the project from its concept to-date. I intend to establish where and in whose pockets the K30 million expended to-date ended up."

"As far as I am concerned the only way this Project will get off the ground is through a transparent process, taking into consideration the social and environmental impact to the people in Madang and meaningful landowner participation."

Ms Sawang took issue with my position on the PMIZ claiming I have lost the plot suggesting I should work with the O'Neill Governent to get the project off the ground.

" We the people of Madang want Development, not Politics." she said.

Now her article was 1,500 words so I will respond to it in a separate post.

Ms Kessy is someone I know personally an avid blogger and social media commentator.

What I found rather interesting is that this would be first time Ms Sawang has gone to the trouble of publishing a post on her blog critical of my decision.

But not just me the entire Opposition bid to vote out O'Neill as Prime Minister.

So you can understand I was more curious about the recent change of heart. Don't get me wrong I welcome criticism and support the view "wise people prefer to benefit from constructive criticism rather than be ruined by false praise"

However Ms Sawang post was neither constructive nor genuine.

So in an effort to better understand her motives behind it I noted the following;

1) Rather than post her article on her Facebook page she instead only posted the link to her blog.

This meant anyone who wanted to read her article would have to click on the link that would take them to her blog.

2) She used a picture of myself from Kramer Report with the caption 100,000 followers and made the point to tag me. This meant the thousands of people that follow me would also see her post.

3) When people commented criticizing her, she responded:

"Bryan Kramer will respond to the issues. Thank you. In the meantime, spare time to read my full article"

In other words please click on the link so that it will take you to my blog and add to the number of registered visitors to the site.

4) 12 hours earlier she uploaded a copy of cheque she received from Google for $101.88 for advertising their adds on her blog.

She wrote:

"Another cheque of $101.88 from Google for Dec 2018. Thank you all for visiting my blog. Saik up lo write more. #LilAchievements❤️"

5) After posting the link and noting many people criticising her over it she posted:

"Smiling at Facebook Gangs - yep the exact reaction I wanted."

At this point it became evident Ms Sawang post was deliberate with the intent to drive people to visit her page using my public profile.

I posted the following comment on her post.

"An interesting point is that Ms Sawang avoided posting her article in Facebook, but instead posted the link to her Blog using my face and Kramer Report picture..."

"I'm now left to ask the question whether the timing and intent behind this publication was deliberate in an scheme to draw traffic to her blog hoping to cash in from it?"

"Coincidence or Opportunistic??? An issue I will cover in my response."

She responded by liking it.

What Ms Kessy Sawang failed to disclose behind her change of heart is that she has applied for the position as Secretariat of Manam Resettlement Authorty following her sacking as Secretary of Minister of Inter-Government Relations.

Her sacking relates to falling out of favour with Peter O'Neill over publicly criticising him.

However in recent weeks she been publishing articles opposing the Opposition's plans to vote out O'Neill and now even opposing O'Neill's number one political enemy, myself. One can only assume it is in the guise to win back O'Neill's favour and a new job.

It takes a real special kind of person to be that conniving and opportunistic.

It comes as no surprise on the eve of 2017 General Election I was asked by a mutual friend to meet with Ms Sawang in Madang. He spoke very highly of her, mentioned she was contesting for Rai Coast Open Seat and I should consider endorsing her under Pangu Party.

I agreed to meet with her, however it became evident she was only interested in the party offering the highest campaign funds. At that that point I had little interest in supporting any candidate whose focus was their own financial gain.

Ms Sawang describes herself on her Linked In profile as advocator of good governance, women & girls empowerment and an aspiring political leader.

However her conduct to date suggests otherwise.

While I'm a strong advocator of women in politics and plan to do my part to help at least 5 women get elected in 2022 General Elections, Ms Sawang will certainly not be one of them.

It is my view she doesn't meet the fit and proper test to occupy public office and would do more damage than good in the cause of advocating for women in leadership roles.

Source: Facebook Kramer Report. - Madang MP Hon. Bryan Kramer writes the Kramer Report on Facebook in Papua New Guinea.

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