Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Blockchain provides a trusted platform of doing things, tailored courses offered in Port Moresby


Starting up a small business in IT industry is not confined to IT skilled people or those whom have received some form of formal education in IT. It can be anyone, so long as one has the drive and determination.
There are many examples both locally from PNG and globally. CEO of Dove Electronics in Port Moresby has no formal education in IT; rather he is a teacher by profession. The secret is he had what it takes – the burning drive and determination inside him.

Jack Mai, CEO of Alibaba, the world’s fastest growing online trading platform, next to Amazon, Facebook and Google giants is not an IT skilled man. He never gives up, rather he persists with the drive inside him and the courage he finds in himself took him miles.

PNG’s struggling lone female IT entrepreneur now shifting into blockchain technology Crystal Kewe has no formal education in IT; she learned things from what she described as being self-taught.

Because of the determination and the drive that she found inside her, PNG will now benefit from trading of bilum products on a blockchain-enabled trading platform called bilumous.

Those are just few success stories as examples of people who have no formal training in the IT sector but are successful in doing business in the sector.

IT industry can be seen as an infrastructural platform to do business. In the world today, all most all businesses are success with IT and operate using IT as an infrastructural platform. It’s like a forest canopy whereby birds and animals (businesses) breathe and live.

Business concepts, models and ideas are not new to the Melanesian society. The practice of accumulating wealth is our Melanesian way of life. Bride price is one cash example whereby people have to invest and over a time save valuable items to meet the demand of the bride price tag.

Nothing is in fact beyond human capacity, every business idea or concept is testable. You don’t see a potential of your idea until you try it. You don’t necessarily need to have money to test it. Money is a secondary thing when you wanted to be an entrepreneur; your entrepreneurial concept is the first and foremost.

Your business idea will bring in network and resources, that is, people and money. The thing is don’t dream and sit relax with your idea, start doing something, even it means failing several times – do it.

See around opportunities, and assess yourself. Get as much knowledge as you can on a topic you are so interested. You never know.

Having said this, with the world trend of things, here in Port Moresby there is a training going. Shorts coursers of rare of the kind on blockchain technology in PNG.

Just as we learn in IT as infrastructural platform, blockchain provides a global public ledger capable of automatically recording and verifying a high volume of digital transactions, regardless of location. Its capability of handling high volume data in an accurate way is interesting to the business world. It solves some of their problems in data management, transferring and storing data independently.

Now you may not need the platform because of its capability of handling high volume of data and transactions but it be of help to you when you have an idea to solve some of the world’s pressing issues.

Many blockchain enthusiasts find it useful when it solves their problem with high degree of confidence in its transparency capabilities. 

For example, corruption is a tenacious and unending problem. An idea to solve fraudulent ways in the conventional way of doing things could be the launching pad of a new life.

The course teaches the basics of what blockchain is as well as delves deep into the technology side of things, cryptography, time hashing, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin etc.

The Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG), PNG’s Central Bank is researching and trailing the blockchain technology uses in PNG.

Learn a great deal about Blockchain, which is actually the tech that powers Bitcoin (cryptocurrency) and all other crypto currencies and also learn how to perform simple crypto currencies trading using the exchanges. 

Some of the topics in the training are: How Bitcoin actually works; the technology, the exchanges and the regulatory side of things.

What are types of Blockchain and Platforms?
What are Ethereum and Smart Contracts?
Some Blockchain Use Cases for PNG.
A Guide to setup Bitcoin & Altcoins wallets & Transaction Demo.
Cryptocurrency Wallet security and privacy.
Basic Crypto-Trading and Bitcoin Economics.

To learn more about these courses, click on the following links:
Kingdom Wealth and Prosperity Seminar
CryptoTech Blockchain Meet Up and BeWELL Project presentations

The Central Bank of PNG is also offering training on blockchain technology in PNG with the aim to make PNG a capital of FinTech in the Pacific. – Via Garamut News.

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