Thursday, January 17, 2019

Kingdom Wealth and Prosperity conference in Port Moresby

PNG is a Christian nation and its people worship and serve the living God of Israel. Individual wealth and the country's wealth has been subject to the blessings of the Living God.

The acceptance of God's blessings impacting people's wealth and prosperity as stated in the Holy Bible is not new to PNG. 

Here we have a seminar on the topic of Kingdom wealth and prosperity in Port Moresby next month.   

There is no doubt that God is rich towards all. There is equally no doubt that God is the God of all-sufficiency (2 Corinthians 9:8). 

Unfortunately, the prevailing biblical ignorance in today's church is one of the negative factors that has held people bound in an inglorious position as far as the actualization of abundant life is concerned (Hosea 4:6).

If you have waited for years to learn the practical biblical ways on how to tap upon God's financial resources, then this seminar is for you.

Date: 22 February 2019
Day: Friday
Time: 9am - 5pm
Venue: Lamana Hotel, Port Moresby
Speaker: John David

Fees: (Take advantage of the early bird fee)
Early Bird #1: K380 Only (Register & Pay by 15 Jan 2019)
Early Bird #2: K420 Only (Register & Pay by 31 Jan 2019)
Normal Fee: K480 Only (Register & Pay by 10 Feb 2019)

Fees are inclusive of:
i. Tea Breaks (Morning and Afternoon)
ii. Lunch
iii. Training Materials

i. Closing Date: 15 February 2019
ii. Registration is only confirmed once payment is done.
iii. Payment can be performed online. For beneficiary details kindly refer to our admin.
iv. This is a public event and open to anyone who is interested to learn the practical biblical ways to tap upon God's financial resources.
v. Please bring along your bible.
vi. This is a PUBLIC event, Open for ALL.

Get you ticket NOW!

Cryptotech Ventures & Consultancy Limited
Contact us: 74882944 / 75284124

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