Friday, February 8, 2019

Chinese cry foul over Duran Farm housing project: Poor management a concern, says Parkop

Extracted from THE NATIONAL | EDITED

PNG’ National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop is concerned about the poor management of the joint Chinese-PNG government public housing project.

Parkop was told by a Chinese investor during a visit to China that he had being “misled” by the National Housing Corporation over the development of the multimillion kina housing project at Duran farm in Port Moresby .

Parkop said the Shenzhen-based Yinjiang industry expressed the concern during a visit to China by Parkop, Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko, city manager Bernard Kipit, city engineer Frank Ravu and financial adviser Augustine Ravi.

They went to Shenzhen city in China for a meeting on a sister city arrangement.

Parkop said the Yinjiang industry officials told the delegation in front of Shenzhen city deputy mayor Ai Xuefeng that they had invested K30 million in the housing project at Duran farm. Parkop said they felt like they had been “taken for a ride”.

“It is a bit embarrassment for us to meet this type of problem when we are promoting investor confidence for more Chinese investment in PNG,” he said.

Parkop said the Yinjiang industry had already built 100 homes. He said the NHC should have provided line services such as roads, sewerage, electricity and water to the project site.

“They have spent K30 million already and are getting nothing in return. So it doesn’t represent a good image of PNG,” he said.

He said they would raise the concern with Housing Minister John Kaupa. “I hope we can solve this problem so they can partner with us (NCDC) in the long run,” Parkop said.

Parkop said the National Capital District Commission’s housing project hoped to develop settlements into suburbs.

Kaupa had recently expressed his concern over how the housing project at Duran farm had been managed. – Via Garamut News.

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