Friday, January 25, 2019

Port Moresby hosts blockchain conference for ease of trade and good governance in PNG and Pacific

Welcome Speech by Hon. Powes Pakrop, NCD Governor on the occasion of PNG's first public blockchain meeting in Port Moresby. 

Distinguished guests, Esteemed panel of Speakers, Ladies and Gentlemen
Good morning . It is a pleasure to be here today to welcome you to the first Blockchain Pasifik event.

To our Speakers who have flown in, from all parts of the world to be here today - I extend to you a special, warm welcome, to the land of a thousand tribes, languagues and journeys, and to Port Moresby, the Amazing City of the Pasifik, APEC ready.

Thank you for taking this opportunity to share your experiences and knowledge of blockchain with us, and I hope in the short time you are here, that you will be able to enjoy some of the sights, sounds and tastes, that Port Moresby has to offer.

Who can remember what it was like without mobile phones, wireless printers and of course the internet? It was only a few years ago that PNG was using landline telephones, and not everyone had a home phone. 

Most would have to use public telephones, or go to a friend’s office or home, just to communicate with families or conduct business. But since the mobile phone landed on our shores, more people, now own a phone and can communicate easily - even those in rural areas.

Technology continues to advance at rapid rate. It is transforming the way we do business, how we live and work, and will continue to heavily impact our future. In light of this, it is necessary for us, to understand and appreciate how our present and future will become impacted by present and emerging innovations, and prepare a response which ensures the best outcomes for PNG.

An example of how technology is changing the world. Artificial Intelligence or AI, for instance, is already changing the landscape of the manufacturing industries in Asia. I was in China, recently, and my delegation were touring some factories.

 We assumed the factory would be filled with people working, but were surprised to see most of the work being done by machines/robotics, and only a handful of people working in that huge factory. Already technology is impacting jobs in Asia and other manufacturing nations, thus having a direct social impact.

AI’s have evolved to be more than just a machine like figure. AIs today, are look almost human like, think like humans and are being created to experience human memories and feelings. 

If you thought that AIs were only operated in other parts of the world – then you thought wrong. That smart phone that you use to communicate and do business with - every day – is an AI. Most smart phones today have some AI features baked in.

Blockchain is another cutting edge technology, which offers the potential for massive improvements to government services, by making the processes more transparent, efficient, and incorruptible.

Blockchain has already reached many countries. Malta is the first blockchain island, and first jurisdiction to legislate blockchain. In Canada, they have adopted blockchain courses in the education system. Sweden has Zug, which is know as Crypto Valley. 

The US agenda is focused on blockchain exchanges. Even China, has become pro blockchain and AI, as I mentioned earlier. African nations like Kenya and Uganda have blockchain taskforces set up to look at adoption in government systems.

As innovations like blockchain are changing the way the world does business, it becomes necessary for us, especially the leadership of PNG to keep abreast of the technological innovations around us, and understand their social and economic impacts on the people and our economy - and plan our response accordingly.

And this is where it starts. Today, we will start to talk about innovations more meaningfully, and build a culture in technology. Maybe one day soon, as a result of programs like Blockchain Pasifik, we will see Papua New Guineans at the forefront of developing cutting edge technologies, for the world.

We must not be afraid of technology, because it seems highly technical or unfamiliar to us. We must embrace technology as an important tool for development and seek out innovations like blockchain, that promise improvements in business, organizational processes, governance systems, and can reduce or eliminate corruption. We must explore technologies that offer inclusion, innovation, and which create opportunities for employment, wealth creation, and quality of life and living standards.

As the Governor of the largest city in the Pacific, I am faced with many development challenges. However, I believe that we can harness technologies like blockchain, to solve some of these issues, and improve the lives of the people of NCD, and the rest of PNG.

As such, I have placed my support behind this initiative which I am certain will reap countless benefits for our people, and drive further positive development.

I envision Port Moresby becoming a technology hub for the Pacific. Our City is well placed in the region and country, and capable of playing host to robust technological endeavours.

As a leader, I have taken upon myself the responsibility to become more aware of the potential of Blockchain Technology and other emerging technologies in the governance and development sectors, and encourage other leaders in government to also embrace the Digital Future.

For the next two days, we will talk all things blockchain, and by the end of it, write a roadmap for blockchain in PNG and the region.

I encourage all to participate meaningfully in this program, and walk away from this event, with an appreciation of this technology and its relevant applications for PNG.

It is an exciting time to be alive. Let’s not be passive observers. Let’s participate in the technological revolution and the digital future.

I wish everyone all the success in the conference and I look forward to the road map ahead for the digital future for Port Moresby after the conference. Let’s embrace that future because the future is digital and technological!

Thank you.

Hon. Powes Parkop, MP, Governor for NCD.

11 October 2018, International Convention Centre.


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