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West Papuans are Melanesian, they are not Asians to be Indonesians. |
The military intervention by the Kumul Force - PNG Defense Force – and its successful operation on the Santo revolt sent a clear message that PNG can defend and safeguard regional security and protect against neo-colonist influence.
Whilst the recent successful hosting of the 2018 APEC Leaders Summit PNG’s is seen as an emerging player in regional dominance and that now gives us the leverage to perform a filial duty in carrying the plight of West Papua to the center of the international fora.
Whilst the recent successful hosting of the 2018 APEC Leaders Summit PNG’s is seen as an emerging player in regional dominance and that now gives us the leverage to perform a filial duty in carrying the plight of West Papua to the center of the international fora.
Filial duty in the sense that the cries and pain of our Melanesian brothers and sisters on the other side of the imperialist divide must get the appropriate international attention.
Decolonization and human rights have been elusive in the jungles of West Papua.
Decolonization and human rights have been elusive in the jungles of West Papua.
And a nagging question coming strongly to the fore now is if Papua New Guinea can have the resolve against neo-colonialism why can it not take an affirmative stance on the West Papua issue?
From 1973 until 1975, the year of Papua New Guinea's independence, the Indonesian military stepped up its activity against the West Papuan people.
From 1973 until 1975, the year of Papua New Guinea's independence, the Indonesian military stepped up its activity against the West Papuan people.
Many dispossessed West Papuans joined the "Organisasi Papua Merdeka", or Free Papua Movement (OPM), the fighting wing of the resistance.
Although Indonesia has consistently maintained that the OPM is not a threat, the might of its army has been deployed since the occupation in a vain attempt to destroy the movement.
Villages were destroyed as the army hunted for OPM members and the whole population turned against the invading forces.
It became impossible to separate activists from the community; all people, whether villagers of refugees, proclaimed their solidarity: We are all OPM.
It was the Western imperialists who carved up our island of New Guinea and decimated a 50,000 years old civilization with guns and religion to extract our natural resources.
It was the Western imperialists who carved up our island of New Guinea and decimated a 50,000 years old civilization with guns and religion to extract our natural resources.
Hence, we will not look up to the West to take up this plight for us but we will take it up ourselves.
Look at what Australia, mostly known as the America’s deputy sheriff in the South Pacific, did to East Timor, for instance.
Look at what Australia, mostly known as the America’s deputy sheriff in the South Pacific, did to East Timor, for instance.
Australia stood and watched while Indonesia invade East Timor in 1975, and then massacred a third of its population to suppress demand for independence.
And according to John Pilger of the Ecologist Journal, unearthed documents now show the genocide was supported by Australia so it could grab the oil and gas reserves of the Timor Sea.
Despite East Timor’s independence, won in 1999, Australia was still stealing its oil and gas revenue worth $5-billion and counting through a proxy agreement it signed with Indonesia.
Again, Australia’s position on the New Caledonia referendum for independence is very conservative.
Again, Australia’s position on the New Caledonia referendum for independence is very conservative.
Australia prefers New Caledonia sticks with France in the fear that independence might have unpredictable results in the broader Pacific.
Particularly with the emergence of China as a power in the region Canberra is worried that an independent New Caledonia might be drawn into Beijing’s orbit.
With the geostrategic change tilting the scale of balance from the traditional power players to new players like China coming into the region it is an opportune time to flag the West Papua question.
China is making overtures to East Timor through the Road and Belt project.
With the geostrategic change tilting the scale of balance from the traditional power players to new players like China coming into the region it is an opportune time to flag the West Papua question.
China is making overtures to East Timor through the Road and Belt project.
The country sees China as an old friend and welcomes its assistance.
Now Chinese and East Timorese companies are building homes, commercial facilities, schools, road, harbor and infrastructure development like never seen before.
The call made by Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister for regional members to take the issue of West Papua to the UN decolonization committee is a very bold statement and is encouraging.
The call made by Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister for regional members to take the issue of West Papua to the UN decolonization committee is a very bold statement and is encouraging.
Prime Minister O’Neill made the statement while in Fiji where he was the keynote speaker at a public lecture on “Pacific Regionalism”.
On the diplomatic front, the admittance of West Papua into the Melanesian Spearhead Group is a start to a new beginning.
On the diplomatic front, the admittance of West Papua into the Melanesian Spearhead Group is a start to a new beginning.
West Papua has actively participated in the regional discussions since then.
In recent years members of the MSG, notably Vanuatu and Solomon Islands, as well as other Pacific countries have been vocal about West Papua in international fora.
Their concern centers on violations against the basic human rights of West Papua, and claims that Papuans have been denied a legitimate self-determination process.
According to the Fiji Times Prime Minister O’Neill said PNG was encouraging that this be put to the UN decolonization committee.
According to the Fiji Times Prime Minister O’Neill said PNG was encouraging that this be put to the UN decolonization committee.
It was not the first time Mr. O’Neill has spoke about his country’s concerns about human rights abuses in West Papua.
O’Neill also express his country’s desire for West Papuans to have more autonomy and freedom.
While diplomacy is taking its course there are other means we can echo the suppression of welting injustice and sensitize the cruel atrocities of the Indonesian government done to our people.
Martin Luther King Jr once said “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
Militarily, we cannot match the might of the Indonesian TNA but we can make noise and attract international attention.
While diplomacy is taking its course there are other means we can echo the suppression of welting injustice and sensitize the cruel atrocities of the Indonesian government done to our people.
Martin Luther King Jr once said “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
Militarily, we cannot match the might of the Indonesian TNA but we can make noise and attract international attention.
Make no mistake, we are already in arms way by design the moment Indonesia annexed West Papua in 1969.
The rape, pillage and genocide on our people on the very soil we share is the infliction on us. We are fortunate to escape such persecution but we are in a position to help.
Of course, there is this argument that Indonesia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected but has Indonesia respected the equal right of sovereignty and territorial integrity of West Papua?
The so called the Act of Free Choice of 1969 was only farcical and carried out under extreme duress.
Of course, there is this argument that Indonesia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected but has Indonesia respected the equal right of sovereignty and territorial integrity of West Papua?
The so called the Act of Free Choice of 1969 was only farcical and carried out under extreme duress.
And this should no longer give the legal basis for Indonesia to continue its occupation of West Papua.
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